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God's Not Slack

“The LORD is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is long suffering towards us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance (Greek word is metanonia).” 2Peter 3:9 NKJV

Repentance is such a good thing – a God thing. Humbling ourselves and admitting we don’t know it all and are completely at a loss to even think we could run or live our lives independent of God. Truth is, we were created by God for relationship with God and there is nothing in this world that could ever take the place of the divine relationship we have available through faith and trust in Jesus Christ.

Dependence is about seeking God – His thoughts, His truth, His ways, his life and yielding ourselves to Him – in every way. I value the goodness in Holy Spirit to convict us – not condemn us when we are out of alignment.

My leg injury, healing and recovery process has brought a “hidden” issue to light in the form of back pain. I’ve been (and am) so blessed not to have had chronic back pain ever, but as my muscles atrophied and learned new, incorrect positions and placements during the injury and initial healing stages. This misalignment has affected by hip, back, and leg – which in turn has opened up never-before-felt pain and discomfort. It was only after acknowledging the problem and seeking help in the form of prayer, and a good therapist and chiropractor, that I was/am able to retrain muscles (give them new memory) and find lasting relief and healing. My body has been teaching and reinforcing an important spiritual truth…. Repentance does the same thing for the spirit, soul and body. We submit to God – His Lordship, His Truth, His ways (which I am finding more and more are so very different from man’s ways). We admit we need help (we missed the mark and need His help getting back on the right, “God” track). We agree with Him and receive His love and grace, experiencing as a result that our actions, thoughts, and attitudes change as well.

Glory to God! -

Metanonia (Repentance)!

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